Social Worker
Nashreen is a Registered Social Worker and is currently the County Manager for Continuing Health Care and End of Life care where she is a senior lead ensuring compliance with legislation, national guidance and responsibilities of the Local Authority. She has a wealth of experience and knowledge in the assessment process for any services listed under the Care Act 2014 for adults.
She is able to accept instructions from legal parties to provide eligibility reports to clients for CHC funding and can be instructed to review decisions made in respect of Continuing Health Care funding. She is able to examine assessments, reports and decisions to advise on a client’s eligibility status. These reports can then be submitted to the appeals panel as an expert opinion in support the application and she will also able to attend the panel hearing/meeting if necessary. Nashreen also accepts instructions to undertake CHC checklists to help determine whether a case should proceed to the next stage (decision support tool) of the assessment process.
Nashreen can also review existing care packages on behalf of clients ensuring that maximum provision is being utlised, particularly when Health and Social Services seek to avoid their legal duty or limit the extent of their responsibility to meet your clients’ needs. She can provide advice on the statutory support your client is entitled to and work in collaboration with you to secure maximum funding awards and appropriate care packages. A good starting point is instructing us to undertake an initial file audit about statutory funding, or to arrange telephone call to discuss care funding issues.
Nashreen also accepts instruction to complete Mental Capacity Assessments having undertaken comprehensive training in the Mental Capacity Act 2005. She is able to complete COP3 forms and be a certificate provider for Lasting Powers of Attorney.