Detailed Reports on Urgent Timescales
Our care experts are now offering a new service for short form reports. These reports can be a useful tool in the strategy of your case where you need to be informed with realistic costed care recommendations, maybe ahead of serving a schedule of loss or for negotiations at a mediation, but care evidence has not been obtained.

The FJ Ltd Associates can now be instructed to review the relevant evidence and prepare a desktop, short form report for you with costings, on urgent timescales.
We will require any medical reports you have to date together with witness statements, where available, to enable us to cost the likely requisite care in a case where there is insufficient time or any other reason preventing an assessment. Our care experts will undertake a comprehensive assessment of the available evidence and provide you with costed recommendations but without detailed arguments. The reports are therefore much shorter and less costly. Our experts can also review pleadings, for example Schedules of Loss, and provide you with a response to the claim enabling you to focus time on the issues in the case to be resolved.
Our short form reports are intended for advisory purposes only and should not be disclosed as they are not CPR Compliant. Any opinion and advice is based on the limited evidence made available at the time of instruction. Our experts therefore reserve the right to alter their opinion in the event that further evidence is made available to them.