Barbara Simmons
Registered Nurse
Barbara has over 30 years’ experience as a Registered General Nurse and 15 years experience as an Expert Witness. She specialises in the fields of spinal cord injury, acute and rehabilitation nursing, management and discharge policy and procedure. She has enjoyed a varied career, practicing within the NHS and independently. The majority of her career has been spent at The Midland Centre for Spinal Injuries in Shropshire, where she practiced for over 30 years managing patients with varying degrees of disability, spinal cord injuries, paediatrics, and those who required ventilator assistance. Barbara has also acquired extensive, first-class experience as a Resettlement and Community Liaison Officer offering advanced clinical practice, providing expert care, advice and support to spinal cord injury patients including those with highly complex needs both within the hospital environment and the community setting.
Throughout her career Barbara has been a member of the Spinal Cord Injury Paediatric Group, the group is multidisciplinary, and aims is to monitor children who have suffered a SCI through their formative years ensuring development and social issues are addressed to enable the child to experience a successful transition into adulthood. She has also actively participated in issues of tissue viability, and has produced an informative poster which is used across Intensive Care Units to help prevent the development of occipital pressure sores.
Barbara has been an expert witness for over 15 years, acting in high value catastrophic injury claims for both Claimant and Defendants. She is a highly motivated, dynamic, and efficient nurse with an inherent drive and compassion for empowering and enabling individuals to reach their potential and to live fulfilled lives.
Registered Nurse (Bsc Hons - Nursing);
Over 30 Years Qualified;
Board of Directors for ETHOS;
Member of the Tissue Viability Group;
Member of the SCI Paediatric Group.
Advanced Clinical Assessment;
Complex Care Packages;
SCI Rehabilitation;
Complex community care experience;
Healthcare Research;
Planning, Management & Implementing Change;
Report Writing;
Confident and Effective Advocate;
Able to critically Analyse Papers and Reports;
CPR Part 35 Legal Training and solid understanding of duties to the Court.
Spinal Cord Injuries;
Neurological Bowel Management;
Orthopaedic Injuries;
Tissue Viability;
Acute Care, Complete Injury, Incomplete Injury, Paraplegia and Tetraplegia Injuries;
Complex Discharge Management, including making recommendations for care needs;
Assessment of Adults with Spinal Cord Injury, Orthopaedic and Pain Management, Neurological Conditions;
Risk Assessments;
Community care and Public Health;
Neurological Rehabilitation;
Safeguarding adults and children.