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Susanna Turnbull

Occupational Therapist

Susanna has over 21 years’ experience as a Registered Occupational Therapist, specialising in the fields of spinal cord injury and adult physical/holistic rehabilitation. She has enjoyed a varied career, practicing within the NHS, independently and as a consultant for Wheel Air, creating innovative wheelchair designs and equipment. The majority of her career has been spent at the National Spinal Injuries Centre (NSIC) at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, where she practiced for 14 years in spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation.  Susanna has acquired extensive, first-class experience delivering complex clinical, client centred and team-based interventions throughout the neurological rehabilitation and community integration pathway for service users. In 2014 she established her own independent OT service, Turnbull OT Services, as a sole practitioner with a variety of adult clients.


Whilst at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Susanna’s clinical responsibilities included complete case load management for specialised assessments, rehabilitation interventions, and complex discharge planning for the acute rehabilitation of spinal cord injured adults (acute care, complete injury, incomplete injury, paraplegia and tetraplegia) regularly attending multidisciplinary meetings and directorate meetings, working closely with the MDT team to reach a shared goal. In addition, Susanna has first-hand personal experience of caring for someone with a spinal cord injury, and describes herself as being positively influenced from these life events.


Susanna is a highly motivated, dynamic, and efficient occupational therapist with an inherent drive and compassion for empowering and enabling individuals to reach their potential and to live fulfilled lives. 



  • HCPC Registered Specialist Occupational Therapist, BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy;

  • Master’s degree (MA) in Design Research for Disability;

  • NSIC Long Service Awards, 12.5 years. 2018;

  • Qualified and experienced moving and handling trainer;

  • FJ Ltd Expert Witness Training Programme.


  • 14 Years spent at the National Spinal Injuries Centre (NSIC) at Stoke Mandeville hospital;

  • Case Management;

  • Advanced and thorough clinical reasoning skills;

  • Confident and Effective Advocate;

  • Report Writing;

  • Paediatrics;

  • CPR Part 35 Expert Witness Legal Training.


  • Spinal Cord Injuries;

  • Acute Care;

  • Complete & Incomplete Injuries;

  • Paraplegia and Tetraplegia Injuries;

  • Case Management & Rehabilitation;

  • Moving and Handling;

  • Complex care packages;

  • Occupational Therapy Needs Assessments.

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